Monday 14 February 2011

christina aguilera falls at grammys

christina aguilera falls at grammys

It hasn't been a week to remember for famous dirrrty and burlesque pop star Christina Aguilera. After her fluff when performing the national anthem at the super bowl last week, last night she was performing in a tribute to R&B icon Aretha Franklin with four other perfomers on the stage.

She executed the song "Ain't No Way" without any hiccups, but when she was leaving the stage, she fell down -- literally. It's shot from afar and a bit blurry, but it's there, very obviously. Squint and then squirm. At least her performance was impressive. "That was a real sexy ending," Aguilera later said. Aguilera, 30, earned rapturous applause and a standing ovation for her searing, soulful take on "Natural Woman" and other Aretha Franklin classics during an all-star tribute to the recovering Queen of Soul.

So another slip up from the accident prone pop star and certainly a week to forget for the singer!

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