Tuesday 2 November 2010

prop 19

prop 19

Drug laws will see a shake up in california where today voters will be casting their votes and giving their decision on proposition 19, which is a law that will see anyone over the age of 21 to have the legal ability to grow and own small quantities of Marijuana. If it comes into jurisdiction then California will be teh first state to legalise the drug for nonmedical reason.

The initiative has gained worldwide attention and its chances of passing have been endlessly dissected by pundits. As late as this summer, polls showed that a majority of California voters supported legalization. But opponents now say Prop 19's chances have gone up in smoke, even as advocates argue that legal pot could provide a variety of benefits -- a tax windfall for the cash-strapped state, more police attention to violent crimes and a boost to the state's agriculture sector. "Support for Prop 19 is evaporating faster than bong water at Burning Man," said "No on Prop. 19" spokesman Roger Salazar in a statement on the group's website. "Californians have discovered that the claims of benefits made by proponents just aren't true."

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